One of the first things that I had to do in this position was to create a flyer that had the important dates planned for the upcoming semester. I made sure that the text was easy to read and that I kept it consisted with the new brand identity. It was a challenge to fit all the events and its information on two pages, but after adding or removing text without shrinking the text to make each section fit, these flyers ended up being filled with information without sacrificing legibility.

Another important project was the tri-fold brochure with all the student clubs and organizations offered at Isothermal Community College at the time it was created. It was a challenge to fit all of the clubs in with their respective contact information while maintaining legibility, but I was able to overcome it after a lot of trial and error and spacing adjustments.

The two largest events of the year are Sports Day in the Spring and Grub Day in the Fall. As a way to hype up the student body for the main events, the Student Government Association is responsible for planning a Spirit Week with various smaller events. I had to design a poster that could catch the attention of the student body as well as informing them of the various events they should expect for the respective events.

For the Sports Day 2019 event, I created an accompanying flyer to give more information of when and where each event will take place as well as the location for each of the participating club booths for the day. The campus map I created prior became a useful addition to the flyer once I recolored a section to match the color theme I put together for the event.

Below are a handful of the flyers I created for the Student Government Association. Most of the flyers that I made for various events have a common footer design that comprises of the logo and contact information. This gives even the most different looking event flyers a something consistent. The flyers that do not have this common footer are usually ones that promote events that are run by other clubs or are not purely an SGA event.